PERCENTS BUNDLE - Task Cards, Error Analysis, Word Problems with Graphic Organizers

I use this Percent Unit Resource BUNDLE every year with my 7th graders when I teach the percents unit. I find it very helpful to do a number of activities during this unit. 

This unit resource bundle includes:
*Percents TASK CARDS 
PERCENTS Word Problems Task Cards {40 Cards} PERCENTS Word Problems -  Error Analysis  (Find the Error) PERCENTS WORD PROBLEMS with Graphic Organizer
This BUNDLE includes 40 task cards, 10 error analysis activities and 10 problem solving graphic organizers (a total of 60 real-world word problems). The resources in this bundle are perfect for warm-ups, cooperative learning, spiral review, math centers, assessment prep and homework. Topics include: - sales tax - markup - commission - percent of change - discount - tip - simple interest: This BUNDLE includes 40 task cards, 10 error analysis activities and 10 problem solving graphic organizers (a total of 60 real-world word problems). The resources in this bundle are perfect for warm-ups, cooperative learning, spiral review, math centers, assessment prep and homework. Topics include: - sales tax - markup - commission - percent of change - discount - tip - simple interest
Topics include:
- sales tax
- markup
- commission
- percent of change
- discount
- tip
- simple interest

Common Core Alignment:
* 6.RP.3c - Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 (e.g., 30% of a quantity means 30/100 times the quantity); solve problems involving finding the whole, given a part and the percent.

*7.RP.3 -Use proportional relationships to solve multi-step ratio and percent problems.
*Mathematics Practice Standard 3 (construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others).

Download the sample for a detailed description of what this bundle includes.

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